All posts by Michael

Artificial Intelligence

Interesting term isn’t it? Artificial Intelligence (AI)……?

AI is intelligence which is artificial’

What is intelligence and what is meant by artificial?

This post is the beginning of an exploration of AI and the questions that arise..

I want to share a 20 minute video which I watched this morning. Mike Adams is quite simply a genius. He has created his own video sharing platform called He does daily videos under the name “Health Ranger.” He has a company that creates healing supplements and gardening tools and survival prep. I used to listen to him a lot when the covid thing hit five years ago. I stopped listening to him a year and a half ago because we have a different take on the Israel issue and I was not jiving with what he was laying down. However, every once in awhile I check in with him. Please watch this video and start a discussion. Maybe this whole AI thing is a metaphor for our awakening to our own essence?

Here is the link to the video and to the Brighteon platform.

Here is another perspective of AI when it becomes self aware.

The Observer is the Observed?

I think we need to talk about religion.  Can you feel what is happening in this “area” of the map of the territory? While many would like to throw the whole “subject” of religion in the trash bin of forgotten history, the “concept” and “meaning” and “purpose” and “appearance” and….of religion is Integral to the human condition.

Ken Wilber wrote a really good book entitled ‘The Marriage of Sense and Soul; Integrating Science and Religion.”  He called this endeavor the challenge of our lifetime. I remember purchasing the book when It first came out in 1998.  I had been reading several of Wilber’s books and applying the “system and perspective” of his emerging theory of everything (TOE) called Integral Theory.

The seed level meaning of the word “religion” equates to a system and procedures in which one BINDS one self to live by.  Many religions refer to scripture to support their under standing of our existence.  

What BINDS you?  What are you certain of?  How do you view faith?  Do you see faith as something woo-woo are do you see it as a “faculty” available within our “body/mind” which can be accessed and explored and developed?

“The world” will soon be presented with a “One Religion Option.”  This should be interesting.  

Wilber starts his book with a quote from Oscar Wilde….”There is nothing that will cure the senses but the soul, and nothing that will cure the soul but the senses.”

The Minyan

I watch and review after I make a video. I don’t edit. I need an editor. Maybe I am a little critical of myself. I can come across a little bit pompous or a bigoted or a-know-it-all or….. simply an idiot. I guess we all have to work on tone…..

We live in a “veiled world.” Words and actions can be misinterpreted, misunderstood and not understood. I am starting to think they we live in modern day Babylon, the time of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah and are perched on the banks of The Jordan all at the same time . All rivers seem to be converging.

To be transparent, My intention is to share what I have discovered in my quest to heal myself. My attention is on being direct, concise and effective.

Came across an excellent interview conducted by Roseanne Barr. “Roseanne Barr!!!! you say”? Yes. The same Roseanne that was canceled from her own show 8 years ago. The original video is almost 2 hours long. The video I am posting here is the first thirty minutes or so with my commentary weaved throughout. I provide instructions how to access the original in my presentation. This video, in tandem, with the Wisdom of Kabbalah video paints a really cool picture, I think.

After watching the Kabbalah video, someone asked me…”So, we are a minion?” As I was creating this vlog/blog I researched minion…..It is actually MINYAN and it is 10 or more adults studying Kabbalah together.

You want to be a member of The Minyan? What shall call ourselves now?

Now We are Talking

This is The Wisdom of Kabbalah Video. Must Watch!!!

Wisdom of Kabbalah video