The Minyan

I watch and review after I make a video. I don’t edit. I need an editor. Maybe I am a little critical of myself. I can come across a little bit pompous or a bigoted or a-know-it-all or….. simply an idiot. I guess we all have to work on tone…..

We live in a “veiled world.” Words and actions can be misinterpreted, misunderstood and not understood. I am starting to think they we live in modern day Babylon, the time of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah and are perched on the banks of The Jordan all at the same time . All rivers seem to be converging.

To be transparent, My intention is to share what I have discovered in my quest to heal myself. My attention is on being direct, concise and effective.

Came across an excellent interview conducted by Roseanne Barr. “Roseanne Barr!!!! you say”? Yes. The same Roseanne that was canceled from her own show 8 years ago. The original video is almost 2 hours long. The video I am posting here is the first thirty minutes or so with my commentary weaved throughout. I provide instructions how to access the original in my presentation. This video, in tandem, with the Wisdom of Kabbalah video paints a really cool picture, I think.

After watching the Kabbalah video, someone asked me…”So, we are a minion?” As I was creating this vlog/blog I researched minion…..It is actually MINYAN and it is 10 or more adults studying Kabbalah together.

You want to be a member of The Minyan? What shall call ourselves now?

Now We are Talking

This is The Wisdom of Kabbalah Video. Must Watch!!!

Wisdom of Kabbalah video

The Secret?

QUESTION: What is the destination/object/desired outcome/goal/End Product of Yoga? ANSWER: Samadhi.

QUESTION: What is Samadhi? ANSWER: Perfect union of the individualized soul with infinite spirit.  A state of oneness; complete absorption. An experience of divine ecstasy The soul perceives the entire universe.  Human consciousness becomes one with cosmic consciousness known as God — are finally united. Just as the wave melts into the sea, so too the human soul becomes one with the supreme spirit.

ALL and I mean all metaphysical and spiritual maps of the territory talk of a return to a kind of Home; Back to Source; Back to the Original State of Union………

There is a profound Kabbalah quote….It goes…”Fulfillment is the seed of Desire.” It is the …..”what came first question…..The Chicken or The Egg.” Well……In the spiritual map….the only map that really matters….Fulfilment came first.

Understanding this TRUTH has great ramifications. It means there is a “place” where anything you could desire is already fulfilled. Because the desire could not exist without it……. 


Ok, So, “The Great Work is to bring another human being to Dharma; To The Reality of Things; To The True Nature of What is; The Tao; The Way..

On Yom Kippur which is today, I share this video as my contribution.

May one or more of you receive the wisdom of The Light of The Creator and Wake-up to The True Nature of what is…To the real purpose of Creation.