



We have a location in upstate NY on the east bank of Cayuga Lake that is a perfect setting for a small group ( four to eight participants) retreat/intensive.




Beautiful accommodations with yoga/fitness room right on the lake.

Home again 064

You design your own retreat.


There is nothing more effective than a few days to apply focused concentration.



If you are a group you can come for a few days of rest and relaxation with yoga, meditation, good food, golf, finger lakes wine tours, gorge hikes.


4 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, wrap around deck, fitness/yoga room, huge deck, paddle boards, access to boat rides……..and a lot more.

Home again 091

Home again 070

Set your own itinerary.

If you want us to collaborate with you we can talk about integrating one or all of the following:

  • My take on of yoga as a healing tool for my diabetes.
  • Introduction to Vipassana Meditation
  • Introduction to Kabbalah
  • Introduction to Spiral Dynamics (Map of human cognitive development)
  • Introduction to Integral Theory (Ken Wilber)
  • Shadow Work
  • Acupuncture
  • Cranio-Sacral Therapy
  • Massage
  • Chines Herbs
  • Supplements
  • Diet Counseling
  • Bio-Feedback
  • Laser Therapy
  • Light Therapy
  • Crystal Therapy
  • Chakra Balancing

As far as food….many options all tailored to your desires.


Let’s Do This.



The Yellow Brick Road; Brick (10); Call Me Trimtab

Exploring, experiencing, feeling, and–to the best of my ability–acting strictly and only on my individual intuition, I became impelled to write this book.

Ok…So it is not just how I feel now.

It is exploring and experiencing.

In a previous post I introduced three general areas of training:

  1.  Imparting KNOWLEDGE.
  2.  Developing SKILLS.
  3.  Introducing and Enhancing The Optimal Cognitive Context with which to confront, explore, understand, engage with, the job at hand. ATTITUDE.

The Eightfold Path is a Buddhist “map.”

Right Understanding or Right View is the 8th “fold.”

Notice it is on the top; “The Crown.”


Continue reading The Yellow Brick Road; Brick (10); Call Me Trimtab

The Yellow Brick Road; Brick (9); Essence

One of the many wonderful human beings that I’ve known who has affected other human beings in a markedly inspiring degree was e.e. cummings, the poet.

He wrote a piece called “A Poet’s Advice,” which I feel elucidates why “little I,” fifty-three years ago at age thirty-two, jettisoned all that I had ever been taught to believe and proceeded thereafter to reason and act only on the basis of direct personal experience.  Cummings’ poem also explains why, acting entirely on my own initiative, I sought to discover what, if anything, can be effectively accomplished by a penniless, unknown individual–operating only on behalf of all humanity–in attempting to produce sustainingly favorable physical  and metaphysical advancement of the integrity of all human life on our planet, which omnihuman advantaging task, attemptable by the individual, is inherently impossible of accomplishment by any nation, private enterprise, religion, or other multi-peopled, bias-fostering combination thereof.

Continue reading The Yellow Brick Road; Brick (9); Essence

The Yellow Brick Road; Brick (8); “The No Move Move”

We all see things differently.  Seeing is sensing.  Hearing is sensing. Touching is sensing.  Smelling is sensing.  What each of us happens to sense is different.  And our different senses are differently effective under ever-differing circumstances.  Our individual brains coordinatingly integrate all the ever-different sensings of our different faculties.  The integrated product of our multifold individual sensings produces awareness.  Only through our sensings are we aware of the complementary “otherness.”

“Know Thyself.” all wise persons have said.

We are each convinced of our own individuality, uniqueness and importance.

But do we really Know our selves; our essence.

The Buddha determined that a human being is a composite of five processes, four mental and one physical…….

Continue reading The Yellow Brick Road; Brick (8); “The No Move Move”

The Yellow Brick Road; Brick (7); WHY?

My reasons for writing this book are fourfold:


plural noun: reasons
  1. a cause, explanation, or justification for an action or event.
    “the minister resigned for personal reasons”
    synonyms: cause, ground(s), basis, rationale; More

  2. the power of the mind to think, understand, and form judgments by a process of logic.
    “there is a close connection between reason and emotion”
    synonyms: rationality, logic, logical thought, reasoning, cognition;

    “postmodern voices railing against reason”
     3rd person present: reason
    think, understand, and form judgments by a process of logic.
    “humans do not reason entirely from facts”
    synonyms: think rationally, think logically, use one’s common sense, use one’s head/brain;

    “a young child is unable to reason”
    calculate, come to the conclusion, conclude, reckon, think, judge, deduce, infer,surmise;
    “Scott reasoned that Annabel might be ill”

(A)  Because I am convinced that human knowledge by others of what this book has to say is essential to human survival.

(B)  Because of my driving conviction that all of humanity is in peril of extinction if each one of us does not dare, now and henceforth, always to tell only the truth, and all the truth, and to do so promptly — right now.

(C)  Because I am convinced that humanity’s fitness for continuance in the cosmic scheme no longer depends on the validity of political, religious, economic, or social organizations, which altogether heretofore have been assumed to represent the many.

(D)  Because contrary to (C), I am convinced that human continuance now depends entirely upon:

Continue reading The Yellow Brick Road; Brick (7); WHY?