Post #8: Transforming Diabetes/The Reward

You have been now been introduced to 4 of the 5 steps in a systematic developmental process with strong influence of yoga guided by a guy who has 40 years of experience living with Type 1 Diabetes.

First, we confronted the situation head on and determined our objectives.  




Second, we identified and started to understand the component parts of the system that we need to account for and the feedback we desire and require.

Third, we created an integrated system.

This system seeks to mimic, as best as possible, the system fatally damaged due to a diagnosis of diabetes.

The first three steps create the foundation.

The fourth step is the experience of illumination and mastery.  The Chakra associated with this step is accessed and begins to illuminate when we have done our work in the first three.  

We now have more clarity

We have shifted our perspective and have transcended what we have been immersed in.

We have become more accountable and more response-able.

There is one step in the process yet to discuss.

Continue reading Post #8: Transforming Diabetes/The Reward

Post #7: Transforming Diabetes/The Heart of the Matter

The chakras are energy centers that ascend vertically up the body.  There are anywhere between 7-10  sometimes more depending on what or who you read, talk with or listen to. 

The first chakra is called the base or root chakra and is located behind the pelvic bone.

It represents our grounding and is the energy center. 



The second chakra is located approximately 1 inch below the naval and concerns our emotions, sexuality and desires.

It controls our relationships and interactions with people and things. 



The third chakra is located just below the breast bone in the solar plexus.

It is the root of our emotional balance, personal power and metabolic energy. 



The first three steps of Transforming Diabetes mirrors the energy in the first three Chakras.

1. Goals/Objective/Seed Level  ******Root

2. Functions/Component Parts ******Relationships/Desires

3. Integrated System ****** Balance/Power/Energy

The intent in yoga is to open these energy centers and create alignment amongst them.

It is only when you open and align the lower three chakras that the energy moves to the fourth.

Most human beings have their energy stuck somewhere within the lower three chakra areas. Continue reading Post #7: Transforming Diabetes/The Heart of the Matter

Post #6: Transforming Diabetes/The Integrated System

  • We have oriented ourselves to the attitude of 100% acceptance and commitment.
  • We have established three goals/objectives/desired outcomes.
  • Adopted an attitude that goals are for planning and results are for pleasure.
  • Brainstormed and flushed out the component parts of the system we are tasked to re-create and monitor.

If you have completed the exercises in the prior post then you have:

  • Established your Insulin dosage requirements.  Basal, Insulin to Carb and ISF
  • Become consciously aware of the number of Carbohydrate and Fat grams you are ingesting and are getting better at knowing what you are eating.


  • Explored and investigated how other factors influence your blood sugar and insulin efficiency.  Factors like,  amount of carbs/fat per meal, jogging, yoga, meditation, going to the dentist, driving your car.
  • You are testing your blood sugar at least 10x/day.  You are beginning to understand spikes, peaks and trends.

Are you on track?

Ready to move forward?

If not then STOP.

Go back and review the three goals.   

Where or what is the resistance?  

Identify the resistance and apply what you have learned from this process so far to resolve it.  

Return to this point in the process when you are ready…
Continue reading Post #6: Transforming Diabetes/The Integrated System

Post #5: Transforming Diabetes/Breaking it Down

“Total Accountability and Total Feedback constitute the minimum and only perpetual motion system.” Buckminster Fuller-Critical Path.

In order to re-create the system that has been damaged due to the onset of T1D we must first determine what it is we have to account for.  

Then we have to figure out how to receive and assess the information we need (feedback) in order to make necessary corrections.

It will not ever be perfect.

In this training process our objective is to attain average blood sugar levels of 150 and below over a 3 month period.

We know that normal blood sugar averages below 120.

Want to avoid going low (below 75).

Want to keep our “spikes,” after we eat, below 200.

There are so many component parts and functions to this system.

Let’s focus on the critical ones here.

Continue reading Post #5: Transforming Diabetes/Breaking it Down

Post #4: Transforming Diabetes/The Problem

The primary and immediate problem we confront with T1D is the absence of insulin.

The solution to the problem is to inject insulin subcutaneously.

In a normal body the insulin is introduced through a duct in the pancreas directly into the digestive track.  A T1D injects with a needle or an insulin pump a bit deeper than under the skin but not in the muscle and, God Forbid, not into the vein.

The solution enables the body to survive.

Now we are left with a very difficult challenge.

We want to attain normal and balanced blood sugar with this synthetically manufactured insulin that is going into the body in an abnormal manner.


Not an easy task.

Definitely a 10.0+ on the degree of difficulty scale.


The solution is not easy.

However, it is doable.

Continue reading Post #4: Transforming Diabetes/The Problem