Category Archives: Metaphysical/Spiritual

The Mer-Ka-Ba Lesson Two

Ok……I found it! I found a very effective video which introduces The Mer-Ka-Ba and which is an excellent training video for The Mer-Ka-Ba Activation Meditation.

I suggest on your first viewing that you establish a drishti (a soft gaze) as you watch. Allow your eyes to close every once in awhile. When he takes you through the 17 breaths he may spend a lot of time on one breath. I believe it is designed this way as to be more of an initial training endevour rather than a guided meditation per se. Although, it is certainly both.

I am committing to watching this video every day for the next 3 days after which I will find and share a more condensed version to practice for the next 18 days adding up to 21. This takes me right up Thanksgiving day

As some of you know….it was Thanksgiving day 1976 when I was discharged from the hospital after spending a week going through a process of bringing my blood glucose level down from a critically dangerous level.

I got my first “shot” of insulin. I remember to this day the first time I gave myself an injection. I was sitting with the nurse and threw my hospital robe to the side exposing my left thigh. I filled the syringe and stuck it in. I clumsily put my thumb on the plunger and squeezed. It burned going in. It stung for a minute or two. I felt desperate and afraid.

I was discharged in the afternoon around 4pm. It was dark and rainy and cold. A typical late November day in Rochester, NY. All the leaves were gone. My eyesight was blurry because of the high blood sugars and the traffic lights were merging together. We (I think it was my father and I) arrived at my Aunt Karen’s house….not far from the hospital and before us was all the food laid out for our annual Thanksgiving feast.

I was put on a strict diet at the hospital. I could have some turkey and maybe one warm biscuit and some green beans. No more sweet potatoes or apple pie or cherry pie or whipped cream for me……..or so I thought then.

Why do I tell you this?

It is because my biggest desire is to be done with this dis-ease. While diabetes has been a curse it has also been a blessing in that it motivated me to awaken to the spiritual path and to stay on it. I know that my experience with my physical condition has a spiritual seed. I also know that because of this I can cure it. And I know this because I have learned from The Kabbalists that…..”Fulfillment is the Seed of Desire.” In that quote is a secret and with this secret I move forward.

Ok. So I know everyone is dealing with a lot right now. We are all “in the weeds” at some level. Perhaps, this training is the one needed right now? Perhaps not.

I am looking for ten others who will join me….Michael

The Mer-Ka-Ba: Lesson One

What is the Mer-Ka-Ba?

In Hebrew it is spelled Merkavah meaning chariot, or vehicle. It is also defined as light, spirit or body.

In Egyptian, the word “Mer-Ka-Ba” is three words. Mer is a special kind of light, a counterrotating field of light; Ka means spirit; and Ba means “the interpretation of Reality,” which here on Earth means the human body.

According to Drunvalo Melchizedek, when you add all three words together, the Mer-Ka-Ba is a “Counterrotating field of light that will interact and translate the spirit and the body from one world into another, though it is really much, much more. It is the creation pattern itself through which all that exists has originated.” (The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life. Volume 2 p.309)

The Mer-Ka-Ba is the vehicle that holds the energy lines (prana) connecting our souls to God.

The Mer-Ka-Ba is a potential of the geometric fields of light and is created through consciousness. Less than 0.1 percent of humanity has an active Mer-Ka-Ba.

In the next lesson we will explore how to activate your Mer-Ka-Ba!!

Pass Go…..Collect $200

The name of our group is “The Truth Seekers.”

We started this zoom yoga, meditation and ‘mapquesting’ group at the end of March 2020. The pandemic just hit and everyone was searching for ways to connect, share, help and do a little yoga inquiry.

The original name of the group was the “Atwater Yoga Group.” Those from NY will recognize that the name Atwater was the name of the road that went down to the lake to access the boat house. On the second floor of the boat house was our yoga room. What a special place……

The Lake House Yoga Room

There are many places from which to enter into the spiritual map. Here is one that provides a step-by-step understanding.

The language of the universe is mathematics. It doesn’t matter if you are good at math or not. Watch this to start your inquiry.

A Two Tier ‘Map’

The word recovery means a restoration or return to normal condition.  This begs the question of what is normal?   Perhaps we will address that question down the road a bit. What we do know.  What we have become aware of is that things are not working to our satisfaction. We have become aware of a disturbance.  We can deny it no more.  In some cases the situation seems to spiral and we, not only notice dysfunction but experience it in our life.  

A desire wells up in us.  This desire is for the present moment to be different from what it is.  The desire for things to be different from what is – is suffering. We suffer whether we are aware of it or not whenever we have any degree of desire for this moment to be anything other than it is.  Of course, with anything, there is a sliding scale as far as the degree to which suffering presents itself.  I guess the poles would be from mildly irritating to excruciatingly unbearable.  I think you get my point.  

I started this with the concept of recovery because I have seen a connecting pattern between the Twelve Steps of AA/GA/NA….. and The Four Noble Truths of The Buddha.

First, The Four Noble truths.

Continue reading A Two Tier ‘Map’

God has been Revealed

The New Age mystical idea that All-is-God has now been corroborated by religion’s long standing enemy, Science!

Quantum Mechanics has provided all of the necessary data which to present a more solid and persuasive case for God than religion ever could.

The Particle/Wave Debate – For a long time physicists debated as to whether energy of existence could be reduced to basic building blocks called particles or whether it was a wave form. Quantum Theory/Physics/Mechanics finds that energy behaves as both a particle and a wave.

Every Particle contains Information – Every particle in the universe is a carrier of knowledge. Every particle is “conscious.” As humans, we tend to assume that only we are conscious, because only we seem to be self-conscious. The human brain is a receiver of the information contained within each particle. The information received by the brain is stored in every single atom of our bodies. For organic beings, the “filing system” provided for every living molecule is DNA.

Every particle communicates with every other particle – Being, after all, but moving points on some infinite wave, particles are in communication with one another at ALL times. Anything one given particle experiences can be experienced by another particle simultaneously. They are all part of the same wave; the same energy flow.

Ok. So let’s try and bring this all together. Remember the three levels of wisdom? So important. They match up perfectly with the three stages of Kripalu Yoga. Three is the foundation or structure…..of anything. Think about receiving and doing intellectual inquiry into this type of information like you are doing a new yoga pose – First, Right Alignment. Dissolve present knowing by being willing to suspend your current conscious and unconscious beliefs.

When you consciously receive by mastering awareness of the first two “levels” of wisdom then you create a more purified channel to the third level of wisdom – Your Individual Personal Authentic Experience! Time to Wake Up. Perhaps this is a way……

As Above So Below

Since every particle carries information and all particles, no matter how distant, are in instant communication then, it follows, that every particle potentially ‘contains’ all the information in the universe. In other words, “AS ABOVE, SO BELOW.” The particle is the universe and vice versa.

Ok. Now this is where it gets a little funky. Now is the time that I would ask you to suspend, not only your beliefs, but your disbeliefs. They are one in the same, aren’t they?

Once upon a time, before the creation of the universe, there was an infinite positive force of energy that some people have the habit of calling ‘God.” This energy filled all reality. There was nothing else besides this Energy, this Light.

One fine day, God decided to share all His Light, which consisted of love beyond love, bliss beyond bliss, and joy beyond joy. But there was no one with whom to share. So, God created a being to act as a recipient, to receive the goodness that God wanted to give. This being of receiving was one giant soul, which encompassed what would later become all the individual souls of humanity, even yours. This being was The Vessel. God filled The Vessel with infinite happiness, whereupon both God and The Vessel lived happily ever after……….

Well, not quite…..

So, what happened? Not much, really. Only the development of the cosmos, including the entire history of human civilization up to and including the present moment, as well as the events that will transpire tomorrow, leading to the final destiny of the world.

From our perspective, that’s a lot. But from the perspective of God, it transpired in less than a blink of an eye.

What happened? the Big Bang happened and The Vessel shattered into infinite particles traveling across space and time and forming the universe.

Why did it shatter? Why did Happily Ever After give way to Miserably Ever More? Did we do something wrong? Wait! There is was no “we”, there is was only the original vessel. Did God get angry with us? Is this punishment? Is it a joke? Maybe it is some horrible mistake?

Are we each a particle of the original Vessel that was created to receive God’s beneficence. Is there a way back “hOMe?” Or, are we destined to live out our lives in quiet separation?

As above, so below.

Find your center

Namaste, Michael