A Young Adult in her 20’s posted on one of the on-line support group sites I follow. She said………“Having a horrible bout of depression the past few weeks. Really at the breaking point.”

I responded to her post with this and a link to a blog I published last year about the grief process.
Ahhh. Depression. It is the hardest time when it sets in. I had a bout of it in my 30’s when it set in deep and I almost couldn’t crawl out. Having T1D just makes us more susceptible to it and harder to dig out. However, because we live in a world of duality …. everything that arises does so with its polar opposite. This is not my opinion….this is scientific fact! And we also know this…..everything is impermanent…….anything that arises is bound to pass away.
You did not ask for advice and I am not giving advice…..I am sharing with you my experience. When depression sets in, everything narrows down to its worst possible outcome and, at the same time , things seem to solidify; movement slows and sometimes stops all together.
The way out is two fold. First, move…….walk, run, clean the house, do anything. Second, remind yourself that there is a “bigger picture.” There is always a bigger picture.
Laird is right! (referring to comment previous to this). You are awesome. You have taken on a journey with a difficult cross to bear. But, perhaps, before you came down into this body that your soul is traveling in, you made the choice to experience this.. And your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to keep moving forward. Sometimes, like the days we find ourselves in today, we must. employ…..”Certainty without Reason.” This is a deep spiritual concept also called Faith in many circles. Have Faith that this is temporary and that there is a bigger picture. Choose the path of The Matrix Warrior and keep chipping away until you see the code and can become “The One.”
I wrote a blog about the grief process. It may help. I hope so. (Search for my blog entitled “From Denial to Acceptance.”
From a spiritual perspective, all of us are on a journey back hOMe. Sometimes, it is dark and sometimes it is not. Either way, we will all return some-a-day. Namaste, Michael.🙏