Phase One

The current mission statement on the home page of choicetimes is:

“To guide others in the inquiry of yoga, meditation and other meta-physical “maps of the territory” with the objective of discovering, awakening and exploring the mind that seeks The Way.”

Sunday, we will be transitioning into the second of the five phases I have outlined in previous sessions. For purposes of simplicity let’s think of the time from when we first started doing these on-line zoom sessions in late March of 2020 until now The Zero Phase. Ironically, 9 months?

Remember, we are using the Five Phase Process as a map for our inquiry into yoga, meditation and other teachings. It’s only a map. It is not the territory. The move from Phase Zero to Phase One can be compared to the seed transitioning into the root structure.

As we make this move I see an opportunity to change the mission. Everyone who is reading this and will decide to move forward into Phase One has had some discoveries and increased awareness through the yoga or the meditation or the map questing or through interaction with the group; community; Sangha. Therefore, mission accomplished.

The Transition can be seen as an emergence from unconscious awareness to conscious awareness. What happens within the seed is a mystery. We can look at the seed and we can plant the seed and we can water the seed but not until the seed breaks open do we know if the seed was viable.

So, the new mission statement is:

To explore the what and the why of our awakened awareness through the inquiry and practice of yoga, meditation, Dharma study and Sangha. To experience the transformation of awareness into mastery.

In the Kabbalah map the five phases are represented within The Tree of Life. The Zero Phase is represented by the Sefirot of Keter which means crown or corona. Phase One is Chochma which means Wisdom.

Phase 1 exploration will go from Jan 3 to March 20. That is 11 weeks

Anyone who is currently on the mailing list is invited to join in Phase One starting this Sunday. The schedule for Phase One has changed:

SUNDAY 10 AM – YIN YOGA. This is a 60-75 minute session exploring the yin aspect of our physical, energy and mental/emotional Koshas (bodies or sheaths).

MONDAY 6:30 PM – SANGHA SESSION. Sangha is community. It is one of the three “jewels” of buddhist philosophy and teaching. During this session we will explore the state and potential of our group. We will embed a 15 minute meditation session in this session. We will take as much time or as little time as we need for the session. 30-60 minutes.

TUESDAY 4:30 PM – YANG YOGA. Notice I have changed the time to 4:30. I am also going to shorten it up a bit to ensure we are finished by 5:30 at the latest. 45-60 minutes.

THURSDAY 7PM – DHARMA SESSION: Dharma study is another one of the 3 jewels. Dharma means the inherent nature of things. Law or Truth. The Dharma session will replace the mapquesting concept. One of the things that really worked well this past year was to choose a book and read together and discuss during our session. We can do that, however, I want to start with more discussion on the significance of the 5 Phases and an intro to the spiritual technology of Kabbalah.

ONE-ON-ONE SESSIONS with Michael: I decided to offer this because we are in the root structure phase and I believe these one on one sessions can strengthen connection to the mission and vision. 45-60 min.

ONE-ON-ONE SESSIONS with NEDRA: Nedra is currently working on the development of several Chinese herbal soups and broths, specifically to boost immune system and lymph flow, that we want to market at some point in the future. Nedra is an acupuncturist, cranial sacral therapist, massage therapist, Macrobiotic chef and Chinese Herbalist. While most of her work is done in person, I believe she could be a potential assist to members when it comes to diet, herbs and supplements. If you are interested in meeting with Nedra I can set up zoom session for information, questions/and answers or an overall assessment. (Optional)

I know that some of you have been mostly or only interested in the yoga sessions. I understand that. And while I will offer a yoga only option, I ask you to consider becoming a full access member and at least check out both the Sangha meeting and the Dharma session.

Most people in the world “believe” that the physical world is “the 99%.” What can be seen, heard, touched, tasted or smelled makes up reality. We, as a group in inquiry, are consciously turning this perception upside down; The physical world is the 1% and the 99% is the territory is the non physical world of consciousness that we are here to discover and explore and to share with others what we find. In actuality, quantum physics has verified this perspective as being True. Science has proven that the physical world is but 1% of reality. Yet, most people cannot relate to this perspective. Science itself is stuck when it comes to understanding our reality and the workings of the universe. Science has reached its’ limits in understanding the “how” of things but has no idea on the “WHY.” Together, through the study of Dharma, the power of Sangha and the practice of meditation and yoga this group will partake in an exploration of the 99% Reality.

At this point in time, with all of the uncertainty because of the coronavirus pandemic I understand that it is difficult to make commitments. I am asking you for your support as we continue to do the work we have been doing these last nine months. What I have sought to do over the past 9 months is create a safe and comfortable space to do our inquiry and experience the benefits of the practices we engaged in. I strove to be an intuitive, gentle and entertaining guide. I am no expert or polished guru type of guy. I am a passionate seeker of undiscovered wisdom that I know has got to be there for us to find.

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