Spiral Dynamics: Let us Apply

The willing suspension of disbelief: The concept that to become emotionally involved in a narrative, audiences must react as if the characters are real and the events are happening now, even though they know it is ‘only a story’. ‘The willing suspension of disbelief for the moment’ was how the British poet Coleridge phrased it in 1817, with reference to the audiences for literary works. Schramm argues that this is a general expectation for all entertainment (see also entertainment function): we are ‘prepared to go along with a story or a spoof or a good joke, to identify and agonize with a character who never lived…to have a certain empathy with fictional characters, to go along with the conventions of films or broadcasts.’

This the 4th in a series of 5 posts that I will do on introducing the map of spiral dynamics. My intention, as your Dharma Guide (DG), when introducing any map of the territory, is to do so in a 5 step process which mirrors “The Growth Process” and “The Original Creation Process (OCP).” The “working assumption” is that Our (Human Incarnations) purpose is to awaken to the path which leads us back to Union with SOURCE; a rebirthing into the reality of “oneness” or “authentic unity.” This is certainly a very yogic way to say it. There are other ways to “say it.”

For purposes of entertainment, let’s willingly choose to believe we incarnate into this physical reality in a physical body and when we do so we willingly suspend our disbelief. We are born and we “forget” because we agreed to “forget” and so what the f&@k do we do next?

We begin to explore and inquire and we see/sense/feel/hear/smell/touch/taste/think about…….Then what?

Well, we learn….and we do so, at first at least, in a very binary manner. We know what we like and we know what we dislike. Then what?

Well then as we develop and grow we learn strategies, best practices, systems and procedures that help us get what we want and avoid getting what we don’t want. Then what?

Then comes the moment of illumination and a choice to rinse and repeat or try something different.

The embedded video below is so well done (in my humble opinion). I am sharing as the 4th blog post in the spiral dynamic series because it is illuminating to what stage you live in based on how you will react to it.

If you reside mainly in “Blue” you will understand it better than all of your Tier One peers. Most of you will have a negative reaction at some point because most of you reside in Green. Those of you who are in Orange will look for a way to exploit this information. If you are in Red I think you will get the point.

You won’t be able to help your “natural” reaction because it is deeply embedded. However….here we are studying how to evolve in consciousness and so let’s try something. OK?

Before you listen to this I would ask you to “Willingly Suspend Your Belief.” Notice I did not say “Disbelief.” We already did that when we chose to come to this world.

Just for the time it takes to watch this video – and you will want to watch and not just listen because he does such a good job at the video part of his presentation – suspend the conclusions, understandings, assumptions, agreements, truths you currently have chosen to adopt; Willingly Suspend Your Beliefs. Just for 30 minutes. Ok??

If you can’t do it that is ok but if you reside in Green – DO NOT WATCH – because you will misunderstand my intention and as Buckminster Fuller said…..”It is better to be not understood than to be misunderstood.”

We are at a critical point in humanity’s journey back. For heaven’s sake Pluto just moved into Aquarius.

My intention(s) in sharing this video is to first, assist you in your assessment of the color you “tend” to live from in the spiral dynamic map. Second, to demonstrate the value of getting to Yellow. And third, to show how, In The Creation Process, Unity must move to duality and within this move is a space for the opponent to live. Remember the work we have been doing over the years with respect to Yin and Yang. They are different aspects of the same thing……And ….They are different…..


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