The concept of the matrix is just another “map of the territory.” A map is a perspective. I think that the matrix metaphor is a useful one in our seeking of what is true.
Think of the matrix compared with the 5 Koshas in yogic philosophy. The Koshas are translated as “veils.” The Matrix is a kind of veil which keeps the truth hidden. In the movie the Matrix, Morpheus tells Neo that the matrix is all around him hiding him from the truth.
Neo has a CHOICE. He can take the blue pill and stay oblivious or he can take the red pill and awaken to the reality of things (Dharma).
Here we are. In a world where many are awakening to the sense that something is not quite right. Something is off. What is it? I suggest that the matrix is becoming apparent. I recently began reading a book I obtained some 20 years ago. It is called THE MATRIX WARRIOR; BEING THE ONE written by Jake Horsley. This book is an excellent deep er dive into this map of The Matrix.