Category Archives: Metaphysical/Spiritual

The Path……

I’m tired.  I know….no one wants hear that from someone else.  It’s ok on this site because there is an “upfront agreement” that it’s appropriate to ‘vent’ or express hardship because we all share a similar challenge that few others can even begin to relate to.  I’m in my 43rd year since becoming aware that I “had” T1D.  I’m 56 years of age fast approaching 57.  . . .  Boy, could I tell you some stories……But that’s not the point of this post.  What is the point?  

I don’t have any complications other than the naturally prevalent and evolving Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.  A few years ago I told my doctor that I was feeling increased anxiety and the blues.  He suggested I sit down and chat with someone.  I did.  After three sessions I got my diagnosis.  Now….I completed one year of graduate school in psychology so I was somewhat cognizant of the many possible psychiatric disorders that have been invented including the 10 personality disorders.  Yes, it was 1995 when I learned all about this stuff and, therefore, I was not completely up to date.  And the field of psychology has been, is and will probably continue to be in a state of constant “flux.”  Therefore, I was surprised to find out that I was diagnosed with a new personality disorder called “Adjustment Disorder.”  My first reaction was …. DUH.  Then I laughed.  I said to my “counselor:…”Of course, half sarcastically, it makes perfect sense!  How does one really adjust to T1D?  Because, to be honest, it’s a clusterfuck; an impossible task.  Yet, I am still here.

The therapist went on…..It is like “Cognitive Dissonance.”  I said, “Of course it is.” Then I said….”What do you suggest I do?”  All of this……The diabetes, the adjustment disorder, the cognitive dissonance, the left vs. the right, good and evil, Light and Dark, YIN and YANG… the duality of our lives.  

I am tired of this interplay between my physical body, and my maladjusted mind and injected insulin.  This dissonance.  This adjustment disorder.  This dysfunction.  This DIS-EASE.  Results in such UN-EASE at times.  It’s Exhausting.

What’s the point?  Is it just survival?  Because, at times, that is the way it is……Crawling to the fridge at 3am with a blood sugar of 28….downing a pint of lemonade and eating a bag of chips with french onion dip…disconnecting my pump because just the thought of more insulin dripping in is deeply alarming….passing out as the blood sugar begins to elevate….waking up at 7am with a mouth so dry I can’t talk….Headache. feel like I ran into a brick wall…check bg…412…..get out the syringes…pump it up!

You can do it Michael, says my family, friends and supporters.  Most don’t even know the battle, of course….and those that do …….know that I can do it…at times.  At times..I am just tired.  

What do I do now?  It does feel like I am in the season of “End Times.”  Kinda coincides with all that’s happening in our world.  Things are about to change.  It doesn’t look good or maybe it does?  Because you can’t have anything in this life without its polar opposite.

Here is my point……There has to be a blessing to this curse.  This sucks.  There must be a reason.  I know through my yoga practice and other studies of a TRUTH that keeps me going even though I am tired.  I know that “This too shall pass.”  I’ve been through a lot with diabetes.  Been low and been high.  It is more difficult for us to find the middle path than with someone with a normal physical body.  Or maybe not!  I believe that the blessing of diabetes is in the lesson it teaches us about the arising of the polar opposites…of the duality….of the interplay between yin and yang and the battle between Light and Dark.  

The Buddha would put it this way….”It is equanimity and awareness.  Like the wings of a bird.  Or the two wheels of a cart.  When practiced together they lead to liberation from suffering.  If either is weak or lacking, it is impossible to progress along the path.” 

Buckminster Fuller says….”Total Accountability and Total Feedback Constitute the minimum and only perpetual motion system.”

Kripalu yoga instructs.. ..”First Proper Alignment …Second..Find and explore your edge.”

While my physical body and mind grow weary….my heart and soul are beginning to awaken to the “hope” that there is more to this than surviving.  I won’t get religious.  But allow me to inject a spiritual perspective to inquire into if so inspired.  If easily triggered by this topic please stop reading here.

The Kabbalists……And btw, Kabbalah is not a religion.  It is more like a spiritual map or decoding program of the “spiritual world.  Trigger alert!!  Jesus was a Kabbalist.  Anyway, they would say that the purpose of life comes down to an understanding of The Creation Story itself and the “Why” behind it.  And, without expounding on those things at this time……We are here because of the need for, In Hebrew everyone…… TIKUNE.  TIKUNE, defined, means “Fixing” or “Rectification.”  What needs to be fixed?  What needs to be rectified?  The answer is our VESSEL TO RECEIVE THE LIGHT OF FULFILLMENT;  THE LIGHT OF THE CREATOR.  Why does it need to be fixed?  Well…that’s the questions isn’t it?  Kinda like Jeopardy.  

Again, I am not writing this to promote a faith or a dogmatic system of understanding our existence……There are many “maps” of the territory.  I have referenced several in this post already….Yoga, The Buddha, Chinese Medicine, Kabbalah.  Bucky Fuller …… But for a moment suspend your disbelief and consider Diabetes…….

We are missing the “key” that opens the “door” to the cells (vessels) of our body that permits glucose (energy, light) to flow. ….. It is said that the opponent always attacks through the immune system.   It must.  Why was our immune system comprised?  

Ok.  I will wrap up for now…..I feel a little better.  Thanks.

The Cause

I got diagnosed with Type 1 at the age of 14 in 1976.  Yep, I’m getting old but I still feel like that 14 year old in many ways.  It was different back then.  I was “flying blind.”  No short acting insulin, no test strips, no A1C test…Took one injection of NPH in the morning and rode the peak.  Mostly ate food by feel.  How I survived that…I don’t know.  For me, this “journey” has become spiritual in nature rather than physical.  I really didn’t think I was going to make it past 40 years of age.  I’m turning 57 at the end of the month.  It’s bonus time from here on out.

Yet, I am trapped, or at least I feel trapped. in this physical body that often does not feel well and needs to be poked with injections, infusion sites, finger pricks and all the other stuff involved.  The doctors told me, when I was diagnosed, that they were on to a cure and we should have one in 10 years at the most.  It’s been 42 and a “cure” is just as far out today as it was then.

For me, there is a cause.  There has to be.  If not, this suffering would be for nothing.   My education has taught me that there is a cause to everything.  We may not be able to detect it but it’s there.  There is a book published back in 1984 called “You Can Heal Your Life” written by Louise Hay.  It’s a book that connects dis-eases with mental/emotional/spiritual causes.  I remember, that one of the causes for diabetes was ……… “A Longing For Home.”  This resonated with me.  Prior to my diagnosis I had a few experiences of being desperately homesick when away to a hockey camp or a soccer camp.  I remember, the sick feeling at the “pit” of my stomach.  I was so nauseous I could not eat.  I was so upset I peed my bed.  Why, am I telling you this?  Am I saying that I got diabetes because i got homesick as a kid?  Nope.  I don’t know why I got this curse of a disease.  I’m over it.  

Type 1 diabetes ejects “you” from the home of the physical body.  It disrupts one of the many essential “perpetual motion systems” in the body. The destruction of the islet cells of the pancreas combined with a continued immune system response results in the death of the physical body.  In a matter of weeks or days.  That is not an opinion.  That is a fact. Without injecting insulin “you” are out of here.  Diablo has won.  But, just under 100 years ago a few guys invented a way to get insulin into these people who were dying of ‘Diabetes”.  

The story begins to change.  It is truly a miracle.  And over the years the treatment (way of getting insulin in and the way to test/check blood sugar levels) has improved.  But we are no closer to understanding the cause or finding a cure than we were 100 years ago.  At least on the physical plane. WHY?  What is this diabetes?  Why has it exploded into an epidemic in our society.  What is the cause?

My life, since diagnosis, has been a combination of survival, seeking immediate gratification and finding the cause and cure for this dis-ease that, from one perspective ruined my life and negatively affected those around me. This dis-ease has caused much suffering for me.  There must be a reason. There must be a cause.  I knew that the day I was diagnosed and I know that now.  

I’ve been on this for 42 years.  Some would tell me to let go of this DESIRE Michael and live your life.  You can live a normal life you just need to take your medicine and eat right.  For me, that wasn’t the case.  

Am I any closer to understanding why I got this?  Maybe.  I got my suspicions.  My seeking for the cause and a cure has taken me to some interesting places and teachings.  

Everyone, or almost everyone, has heard the cliche quote about this life……”We are not physical beings having a spiritual experience.  We are spiritual beings having a physical experience.”  Well, if this is TRUE then why this physical experience of Type 1 Diabetes?  





We have a location in upstate NY on the east bank of Cayuga Lake that is a perfect setting for a small group ( four to eight participants) retreat/intensive.




Beautiful accommodations with yoga/fitness room right on the lake.

Home again 064

You design your own retreat.


There is nothing more effective than a few days to apply focused concentration.



If you are a group you can come for a few days of rest and relaxation with yoga, meditation, good food, golf, finger lakes wine tours, gorge hikes.


4 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, wrap around deck, fitness/yoga room, huge deck, paddle boards, access to boat rides……..and a lot more.

Home again 091

Home again 070

Set your own itinerary.

If you want us to collaborate with you we can talk about integrating one or all of the following:

  • My take on of yoga as a healing tool for my diabetes.
  • Introduction to Vipassana Meditation
  • Introduction to Kabbalah
  • Introduction to Spiral Dynamics (Map of human cognitive development)
  • Introduction to Integral Theory (Ken Wilber)
  • Shadow Work
  • Acupuncture
  • Cranio-Sacral Therapy
  • Massage
  • Chines Herbs
  • Supplements
  • Diet Counseling
  • Bio-Feedback
  • Laser Therapy
  • Light Therapy
  • Crystal Therapy
  • Chakra Balancing

As far as food….many options all tailored to your desires.


Let’s Do This.



The Yellow Brick Road; Brick (9); Essence

One of the many wonderful human beings that I’ve known who has affected other human beings in a markedly inspiring degree was e.e. cummings, the poet.

He wrote a piece called “A Poet’s Advice,” which I feel elucidates why “little I,” fifty-three years ago at age thirty-two, jettisoned all that I had ever been taught to believe and proceeded thereafter to reason and act only on the basis of direct personal experience.  Cummings’ poem also explains why, acting entirely on my own initiative, I sought to discover what, if anything, can be effectively accomplished by a penniless, unknown individual–operating only on behalf of all humanity–in attempting to produce sustainingly favorable physical  and metaphysical advancement of the integrity of all human life on our planet, which omnihuman advantaging task, attemptable by the individual, is inherently impossible of accomplishment by any nation, private enterprise, religion, or other multi-peopled, bias-fostering combination thereof.

Continue reading The Yellow Brick Road; Brick (9); Essence

The Yellow Brick Road; Brick (8); “The No Move Move”

We all see things differently.  Seeing is sensing.  Hearing is sensing. Touching is sensing.  Smelling is sensing.  What each of us happens to sense is different.  And our different senses are differently effective under ever-differing circumstances.  Our individual brains coordinatingly integrate all the ever-different sensings of our different faculties.  The integrated product of our multifold individual sensings produces awareness.  Only through our sensings are we aware of the complementary “otherness.”

“Know Thyself.” all wise persons have said.

We are each convinced of our own individuality, uniqueness and importance.

But do we really Know our selves; our essence.

The Buddha determined that a human being is a composite of five processes, four mental and one physical…….

Continue reading The Yellow Brick Road; Brick (8); “The No Move Move”